Since 2010 working as a freelance photographer based in Hamburg, Germany
Since 2022 Member of
Since 2014 represented by laif Agency for Photos & Reportagen
2013 Photojournalism II, Danish School of Media and Journalism, Aarhus, Denmark
2012 Member of freelens e.V.
2011-2015 Photojournalism at Hochschule Hannover, BA, Prof. Karen Fromm / Michael Hauri
2010-2011 photoassistant for Esther Haase
2003-2007 Communicationdesign/Photography, Diploma, Prof. Vincent Kohlbecher, HAW Hamburg

2023-2024 Teaching Photography at the Burg Giebichenstein University of Art and Design Halle
2021-2022 Teaching photography at Münster School of Design, University in Münster, Germany

2023 Journalism Fund Europe Grant for Environmental Investigative Journalism Project
2022 Süddeutsche Zeitung Magazin Grant for a project on Migration
2020 VG Bildkunst Grant for a project on the Mediterranean Sea
2019 Mercator Stiftung Grant, for a journalistic project together with journalist Barbara Bachmann
2019 Nomination „Beste Fotoserie“ Vonovia Award für Fotografie
2018 Goethe Institut Rome, Group Exhibition and photography project grant from Goethe Institut and Open City Roma, Italy
2018 Lorenzo Natali Prize for „Bloodsisters“ a multimedia story for Der Spiegel
2018 Kausa Medienpreis for the Projekt „New Arrivals“ published on Spiegel Online
2018 Der Spiegel, Group Exhibition in Hamburg, Germany
2018 „Reporters in the field“ n-ost Grant for a journalistic project in Greece
2018 Hansel-Mieth-Preis digital for „The Black Snake“ / Der Spiegel
2017 SZ-Magazin Grant for a journalistic project
2017 Hansel-Mieth-Preis digital for „Silence is death / Der Spiegel
2017 Mercator Stiftung Grant, for a journalistic project
2016 VG-Bildkunst Grant, photoproject in the USA
2015 Zenith Fotopreis „Islam in Germany“, 3rd place
2012 Artist in Residence, Photography Grant, CMCA, Saint Croix, US Virgin Islands

CLIENTS: i.a.: Der Spiegel, Die Zeit, Süddeutsche Zeitung, Süddeutsche Zeitung Magazin, GEO, Greenpeace Magazin, Greenpeace e.V., Stern, Newsweek, La Repubblica, zenith, taz, EWS Magazin.